
Literatura në Gjuhën


10 Minuta
udhëzues në Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP është versioni i sistemit operativ Windows, i prezantuar për herë të parë në vjeshtën e vitit 2001. Ky version paraqet një ribërje totale të versioneve paraprake të Windows si Windows 95, 98, Millenium Edition dhe 2000, duke bërë që veçoritë të përdoren më lehtë dhe njëkohësisht duke ofruar versione të reja të programeve siç janë Windows Movie Maker and Internet Explorer.


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Rrjetet Kompjuterike
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Siguria e
Rrjeteve Kompjuterike

Pothuajse çdo ditë, në Internet lexojmë raporte për shkelje të privatësisë dhe ndërhyrje në sigurinë e sistemeve kompjuterike. Ndaj me qëllim të vetëdijesimit të përdoruesve të shërbimeve në rrjetet kompjuterike, përfshi edhe shërbimet në Internet, ky libër përpiqet të luan rolin e informatorit për rëndësinë e sigurisë qoftë individuale dhe të rrjeteve kompjuterike të bizneseve.


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Sistemi Operativ
i Rrjetit

Microsoft Windows XP është versioni i sistemit operativ Windows, i prezantuar për herë të parë në vjeshtën e vitit 2001. Ky version paraqet një ribërje totale të versioneve paraprake të Windows si Windows 95, 98, Millenium Edition dhe 2000, duke bërë që veçoritë të përdoren më lehtë dhe njëkohësisht duke ofruar versione të reja të programeve siç janë Windows Movie Maker and Internet Explorer.


Shkarkoni librin falas këtu.

Literatura në Gjuhën


Windows Server 2016 Administration Fundamentals

This book is designed to get you started with Windows Server 2016. It will prepare you for your MTA 98-365 exam. With step-by-step instructions driven by targeted, easy-to-understand graphics, you will be able to understand the roles, features, functions, and quirks of Windows Server 2016…

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CCENT/CCNA: ICND1 100-105 Certification Guide

CCENT is the entry-level certification for those looking to venture into the networking world. This guide will help you stay up-to-date with your networking skills. This book starts with the basics and will take you through everything essential to pass the certification exam. It extensively covers IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, IP data networks, switching and routing, network security, and much more—all in some detail…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2016: How to install and add roles? (Desktop Experience)

This e-Book is designed to get you started with Windows Server 2016. That said, this e-Book is for anyone making the first steps into network operating systems in general and Windows Server 2016 in particular. The lessons are presented in a step-by-step format accompanied by snapshots. Besides that, this e-Book is a handy informational source for well-established system administrators as it covers Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 5 sys admin tools…

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Windows Server 2016: How to install and add roles? (Server Core)

This e-Book is an alternative to the 1st Volume Windows Server 2016: How to install and add roles? (Desktop Experience) from the Windows Server 2016: From installation to setting up your server e-Book series through a Desktop Experience. It continues to present the content of Volume 1 by adding the server core component. Thus, introducing the PowerShell instead of Server Manager in Windows Server 2016: From installation to configuration e-Book series…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2016: How to set up your server? (Desktop Experience)

This e-Book continues the 1st Volume of Windows Server 2016: How to install and add roles? (Desktop Experience) from the Windows Server 2016: From installation to setting up your server e-Book series. It continues to build the content from where Volume 1 ended by adding the server setup part. Thus, bringing the Windows Server 2016: From installation to configuration e-Book series to the next level…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2016: How to set up your server? (Server Core)

This e-Book continues the 3rd Volume Windows Server 2016 Server Core: How to install and add roles? (Server Core) from the Windows Server 2016 Server Core: From installation to setting up your server e-Book series. It continues to present the content of Volume 3 using PowerShell and not Server Manager as a tool to set up network services on your server. Thus, bringing the Windows Server 2016 Server Core: From installation to configuration e-Book series to the next level…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2012 R2: How to install and add roles? (Desktop Experience)

This e-Book is designed to get you started with Windows Server 2012 R2. That said, this e-Book is for anyone making the first steps into network operating systems in general, Windows Server 2012 R2 in particular. The lessons are presented in a step-by-step format accompanied by snapshots. Besides, this e-Book is a handy informational source for well-established system administrators as it covers Windows Server 2012 R2 sys admin tools…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2012 R2: How to install and add roles? (Server Core)

This e-Book is an alternative to the 1st Volume Windows Server 2012 R2: How to install and add roles? (Desktop Experience) from the Windows Server 2012 R2: From installation to configuring your server e-Book series through a Desktop Experience. It continues to present the content of Volume 1 by adding the Windows Server Core component. Thus, introducing the PowerShell instead of Server Manager in Windows Server 2012 R2: From installation to configuration e-Book series…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2012 R2: How to set up your server? (Desktop Experience)

This e-Book continues the 1st Volume Windows Server 2012 R2: How to install and add roles? (Desktop Experience) from the Windows Server 2012 R2: From installation to setting up your server e-Book series. It continues to build the content from where Volume 1 ended by adding the server setup part. Thus, bringing the Windows Server 2012 R2: From installation to configuration e-Book series to the next level…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2012 R2: How to set up your server? (Server Core)

This e-Book continues the 3rd Volume Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core: How to install and add roles? (Server Core) from the Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core: From installation to setting up your server e-Book series. It continues to present the content of Volume 3 using PowerShell as a tool to set up network services on your server. Thus, bringing the Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core: From installation to configuration e-Book series to the next level…

Blini librin në Amazon

20 Years of Windows: From Windows 95 to Windows 10: (How to install Windows?)

This e-Book is an excellent collection of Windows operating systems installation. From Windows 95 to Windows 10. With that in mind, this e-Book is designed to get you started with the process of installing any Windows operating system. Thus, this e-Book is for everyone! For beginners who are taking the first steps in Windows 10 operating system, for advanced users who, besides Windows 10, have experience with Windows XP and the latest Windows operating systems, and for all those computer geeks who have been in close friendship with the Windows operating system from the version 1.0 and onwards…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows 10: Learning through practice

If you feel that it is time to change your existing way of learning with something refreshing and entertaining at the same time, then this e-Book is for you! It’s the Windows 10: Learn through practice e-Book, where each lesson takes only three minutes (3) to read (learn). It is an excellent collection of how-to tips and tricks and an easy way of getting the job done in Windows 10. With that in mind, this e-Book is designed to get you started with Windows 10…

Blini librin në Amazon

Computer Networks: An Introduction: (General Concepts)

This e-Book is designed to provide you with an introduction to computer networks. It contains the general concepts of computer networks. That said, this e-Book is for everyone! It serves beginners who are taking the first steps in computer networks. At the same time, this e-Book can be used by intermediate and advanced users to bring back computer network concepts. Besides that, this e-Book is a handy informational source for everyone studying computer networks in general and computer networks concepts and definitions in particular…

Blini librin në Amazon

Installing and Configuring Windows 10: 70-698 Exam Guide

The Installing and Configuring Windows 10: 70-698 Exam Guide is designed to confirm what you already know while also updating your knowledge of Windows 10. With its easy-to-follow guidance, you will quickly learn the user interface and discover steps to work efficiently in Windows 10 to rule out delays and obstacles. This book begins by covering various ways of installing Windows 10, followed by instructions on post-installation tasks. Next, you will learn about the deployment of Windows 10 in Enterprise and also see how to configure networking in Windows 10…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2019 Administration Fundamentals

Windows Server 2019 is the server operating system introduced by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems, developed concurrently with Windows 10. This book will get you started with Windows Server 2019 and help you prepare for the MTA 98-365 exam. With step-by-step instructions and easy-to-understand graphics, you will become well-versed in the roles, features, and functions of Windows Server 2019…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2022 Administration Fundamentals

This third edition gets you up and running with Windows Server 2022, Microsoft’s new server operating system, as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems, developed concurrently with Windows 10, version 21H2. The book introduces computer networking and Windows Server concepts, gradually moving towards Windows Server 2022. Then, with the help of step-by-step instructions and easy-to-understand graphics, you’ll become well-versed in the roles, features, and functionalities of Windows Server 2022…

Blini librin në Amazon

Windows Server 2025 Administration Fundamentals

In this fourth edition, you will be introduced to network fundamentals and installation procedures, go through post-installation tasks and directory services, and add roles. The chapters highlight configuration topics, including group policy, virtualization, and data storage. This updated edition covers the new and enhanced features of Windows Server 2025 extensively, including Active Directory Domain Services enhancements, SMB over QUIC, advanced security features, and hotpatching with Azure Arc…

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