Technology Event: CodeWeek.EU 15th – 23rd October, 2016


Codeweek.EU 15th – 23rd October, 2016

Europe Code Week is a grassroots initiative which aims to bring coding and digital literacy to everybody in a fun and engaging way.
15-23 October 2016

Why learn to code?

Today we live in a world that has been affected by rapid advances in technology. The way we work, communicate, shop and think has changed dramatically. In order to cope with these rapid changes and to make sense of the world around us, we need to not only develop our understanding of how technology works, but also develop skills and capabilities, that will help us to adapt to living in this new era.

Learning to code helps us to make sense of how things work, explore ideas and make things, for both work and play. What’s more it helps us to unleash our creativity and work collaboratively with wonderful people both near us and all over the world.

Organize an event

Become a part of Code Week by organizing an event. Make a difference by inspiring and motivating others.

Anyone is welcome to organize an event. Just pick a topic and a target audience and add your event to the map. You can even use our toolkit for organizers to get started.

If you need help or have a question you can get in touch with EU Code Week Ambassadors in your country.

Join an event

Coding is for everyone. Try something new and discover the fun of coding by joining an event near you.

There are plenty of events for any age and a variety of topics. Participation is free of charge and there are no prerequisites.

There’s also a list of resources to help you get started with coding online right now.

Spread the word

Help the cause by spreading the word so that more people can learn about Code Week. If you know people who would be willing to organize an event, let them know about Code Week.

Have an inspirational story to share? Post it to our blog and we will share it.

We’re on Twitter as @CodeWeekEU, on Facebook and we use the #codeEU hashtag.


Source: Codeweek.EU 

Hope you’ll find this post informative.

peace and blessings,


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