What is a secure communication network?

“It is a fine thing to be honest, but it is also very important to be right.” Winston Churchill
(Guruge, 2003)


Secure communication network (Pixabay, 2016)

When wanting to provide security to a certain working environment, the first thing to be done is to evaluate what are the threats to such environment. Same applies to computer network security as well. Finding out which are the threats of your computer network and assessing its levels, increases the chances of choosing the best security solution which in turn facilitates its implementation. In order to deal with some thing appropriately, then it’s recommended to have adequate knowledge and experience of it. In this case, dealing with computer network security, one should have the knowledge of what is the computer network security and experience of implementing computer network security? According to the Webster dictionary, “security is defined as the condition or quality of being free from apprehension, anxiety, or care.” With this said, a “secure communication network can be defined as a network whose users do not feel any apprehension or anxiety while using the network” (Chandra, 2005, p. 1).

In real life, we notice different security technologies used and solutions implemented with a purpose to secure computer networks. But is the threat coming always from outside, or is more than that? Besides threats coming from outside of the perimeter network in organized way, “nearly half the security breaches comes from sources internal to an organization, and, in particular, employees” (Harrington, 2005, p. 3). Often we hear how a user mistakenly compromised the security of its corporate network, or a situation when the unknown flaws in certain application software caused to bring down several services inside of a perimeter network, or even shutting down the entire network. This means that humans and systems responsible for providing security to computer networks should always keep an eye open and be in a standby mode to secure a network against both external and internal intrusion attempts.


  1. Chandra, P. (2005).  Bulletproof Wireless Security GSM, UMTS, 802.11, and Ad Hoc Security.  Oxford, UK:  Elsevier, Inc.
  2. Guruge, A.  (2003).  Corporate Portals Empowered with XML and Web Services.  New York, NY:  Elsevier Science.
  3. Harrington, J. L.  (2005).  Network Security: A Practical Aproach.  San Francisco, CA: Elsevier, Inc.

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peace and blessings,


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